22 December 2013 – Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 – The ‘Pointy’ End of the Matter

Published December 17, 2013 by Ray Bell in Next Sunday

This week we conclude our series through Ecclesiastes where we read, ‘the end of the matter; all has been heard.’ Having heard the wisdom of the Preacher, who has investigated every possible aspect of life under the sun for meaning and gain, only to find it is all meaningless, we could easily be driven to complete despair. Yet we know there must be something more than nothing – after all, eternity has been placed in our hearts! And so, in fact, we are driven to complete dependence – ‘Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole of man.’

In Christ Jesus we find the one true ‘whole man’, who fills all in all. And so, as we walk by grace, in faith, hope and love, we can know what it is to be fully human, delighting in holy reverence and faithful obedience towards God, knowing our meaning and purpose are found in him alone.


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