Blessed Are The Peace Makers ~ 31 May 2015
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” There are numerous other exhortations and promises relating to the making and pursuing of peace also (eg. Romans 14:17-19; Hebrews 12:7-14 and James 3:13-18). How are we to go about such ‘peace-making’ in the world today? And what resources have we been given to pursue peace here on earth?
There is a strong connection in the Scriptures with the making of peace and the matters of sonship, righteousness, wisdom, discipline and grace. These are all ‘kingdom’ matters, and so it should be no surprise to us that to be the ‘peace-makers’ we are called to be we are to look to and trust in Christ, our King – who himself is our peace. After all, for there to be any peace on earth, where sinners dwell together, there must be abundant grace, love and forgiveness which flow lavishly only from our King’s cross and his throne of grace.
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