Christ : The King – 21 December 2014
The Scriptures make it very clear that the promised Messiah would be king, and that his throne would be established forever. There was great hope and expectation regarding this king to come, as we see in the gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth. However, the coming of the Christ was a fearful and troubling event for many. He was a threat to those, such as Herod, who did not want to lose their own position of authority and so they plotted to be rid of him.
Today there are many who rejoice in and worship Jesus Christ as King of kings. Yet, there are also many who are threatened by him and refuse to accept him as king at all. In fact, all of us battle with the realisation that we are not masters of our own destiny and often struggle ourselves to submit to his good and sovereign will.
Whatever our battles, and however strong the resistance, the Lord has appointed his Son to be king and has established his throne forever. He rules with grace and mercy, and loves even his enemies. All who take refuge in him are blessed, but those who reject him and his love will face his wrath. And so, we are warned and encouraged to be wise and serve him in reverence and fear, and to rejoice in his gracious rule over all the earth.
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