How Do We Live Today? – Galatians 2:11-21 – 14 September 2014
This week in Galatians 2:11-21 we hear of a time when Paul confronted Peter for being ‘out of step with the truth of the gospel’. What may have seemed to be a simple case of changing one’s behaviour to suit different company, was in fact a matter of utmost significance. Paul saw Peter’s conduct for what it was – a distortion of the gospel of grace and a return to the law for justification. There was no way Paul could just stand by and watch Peter contradict the gospel and lead others astray.
All of us long to be accepted by others, and we will often change our behaviour to gain this acceptance. We may even find ourselves describing or defining ourselves according to the standards and ‘flavours’ of those around us – what we think they see as important. However, as children of God, our righteousness and identity are not defined by these standards, but by Christ. We have been crucified with him, and the life we now live, we live by faith in him who gave himself for us. In him, and him alone, is our righteousness. And in him, is true freedom to live and to be who he has called us to be, without fear.
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