I Can See Clearly Now – 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 – 25 January 2015
We continue through the rest of 2 Corinthians 3 this week where Paul highlights the surpassing glory and the permanence of the new covenant, of which he has been called and commissioned to be a minister. It is the sure hope of the new covenant in Christ that gives Paul confidence and boldness in proclaiming the gospel, even in his own weakness and with much opposition.
Paul beheld the glory of the Lord on one occasion, on the Damascus Road, and was blinded! Now, by faith, he beholds the glory of the Lord, and sees, more clearly than ever before, the transforming power and sure promise of God in the gospel of Christ.
We too, despite our own physical and moral weaknesses, can have the same hope, and the same confidence, because such things do not depend upon ourselves, but come ‘from the Lord’. Together with Paul, as we behold the glory of the Lord, we can be sure of being transformed into the same image – from glory to glory. This is our hope and source for all joy and confidence in Christ.
Please pray that as we hear of these things, our hearts would not be hardened, and the veil lifted from our eyes, that we might know the glorious freedom of the children of God.
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