Jesus Christ : The Prophet – 7 December 2014
This week Geoff Cottrell continues in our Advent series on ‘Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest and King’ by looking more closely at ‘Jesus Christ: the Prophet’. He writes, “God speaks, and God’s words were spoken through the prophets throughout history. At the time of John the Baptist the prophets had been silent for over 400 years and yet there were some expectantly watching and waiting.
In Acts 3:18 Peter said that all the prophets ‘spoke of these days’ and he preaches Jesus Christ the great prophet like unto Moses who holds this office for the restoration of all things.
As we look more closely at Jesus Christ’s anointed office of prophet we see that he is much, much more than a prophet: in these days the word of God and the testimony of Jesus are inseparable (Rev 19:10). Please pray that we would expectantly and joyfully long to hear and tell the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
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