One Global Apostolic Gospel – Galatians 2:1-10 – 7 September 2014

Published September 3, 2014 by Ray Bell in Next Sunday

Thank God for choosing a rugged man like Paul who would not move for a moment away from the gospel that he had been commissioned by God to proclaim. Meeting the other apostles after years of independent ministry only confirmed that his gospel was no different than theirs – they were on the same page but simply entrusted with different spheres of ministry.

There is only one apostolic gospel for the whole world. To be sure of this will keep us free from being intimidated by the many alternative gospels that seek to avoid our total need for a total work of grace in Jesus Christ. It will give us confidence to hold to the truth and with boldness lovingly proclaim it even in the face of those who have distorted the truth of God’s grace by adding to it and thus bringing to nothing the work of the cross.

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