Receiving Our King ~ Luke 2:21-38 ~ 27 December 2015

Published December 23, 2015 by Ray Bell in Next Sunday

Bob Ricks will be preaching on Sunday 27 December. He writes,
“There is a wide range of responses from those who met the baby Jesus, who had been declared to be Saviour, King and Shepherd of his people. Many waited with faith and hope for this one to come: that God would be revealed and His salvation would be shown throughout. However, not all waited with joy for His coming, and many would not receive Him as the Christ of God, seeking to destroy him instead. Wonderfully, God is never thwarted in His purpose and Christ through the cross accomplished God’s salvation. We too, wait with expectation for our great King to return in glory and might, but like His first coming, not all are joyfully and faithfully waiting. Some disregard Him while others wait in fear. It is through His great mercy and grace that He has made Himself known to us, long before we ever sought Him, and it is Him who keeps us in His purpose, serving with joy. Wise men still seek Jesus, but wiser still are those that know they are held by Him.”

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