The Best Is Yet To Come – Luke 22:1-30 – 13th April 2014
In Luke 22, Jesus has arrived at his destination – Jerusalem, and now prepares himself and his disciples for what lies ahead – his betrayal, their confusion, their faltering egos and false hopes, and his own suffering and impending death. The meal which provides the context for these events is often called ‘The Last Supper’. However, Jesus is confident this is not a final farewell, but a penultimate feast. As he prepares both himself and his disciples for the end of his time among them in the flesh, he also establishes, not a memorial meal, but a new covenant… a new exodus… to be accomplished through the shedding of his own blood. As we live by faith in these last days, and share in the Lord’s Supper together, we are not only to look back in remembrance and thanksgiving, but to look forward, as Jesus himself looked forward on that night, with his disciples, to the day when he will eat and drink anew again with them, and with all who love his appearing, in his kingdom.
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