Released From the Law ~ Romans 7:1-6 ~ 1 May 2016

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  • April 27, 2016

James Krieg will proclaim God’s Word to us this week from Romans 7:1-6. He writes, “How should we as Christians relate to the Law? In this week’s passage Paul says that we have ‘died to the law’ and been ‘released from the law’ by the death of Christ. This does not mean that it no longer matters how we live; rather, that through Jesus’ atoning death, and our union with him, our relationship to the law has been wonderfully transformed. Once domineering, enslaving and condemning us because of our sin, the law now provides a foundation upon which our lives […]

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Dead To Sin, Alive To God ~ Romans 6:1-14 ~ 16 April 2016

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  • April 14, 2016

Does the death and resurrection of Christ affect how you live today? Paul tells it should! In Romans 6:1-14 Paul tells us three ‘effects’ of Christ’s death and resurrection for all who have been united with him through faith: we have died to sin and are no longer enslaved by it; we have been raised with him and now live to God, walking in newness of life; and we will be united with him in a resurrection like his. Because of these gospel truths, we must consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God, not letting sin reign in […]

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Something Worth Boasting About ~ Romans 5:1-11 ~ 3 April 2016

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  • April 1, 2016

We all like to be known for something. And many of us like to boast of that very thing – just to make sure others know about it. Having shown the emptiness of all our self-righteous, hypocritical and fleshly boasting, Paul now gives us something worth boasting about. God has so acted in Christ that he has completely altered how and where we stand before him. No longer are we condemned as sinners, we have been justified. No longer are we under the law, we now stand in the grace of God. And in this we rejoice, or boast – […]

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Raised For Our Justification ~ Romans 4:25-5:1 ~ Easter Sunday ~ 27 March 2016

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  • March 26, 2016

This Friday we gather to remember and reflect upon our Saviour’s betrayal, arrest and crucifixion, and the death he died for us. Our service begins at 9:30am and will be followed with Hot Cross Buns. On Sunday we will celebrate our Lord’s resurrection and the new life given freely to all who believe in Him. Jesus was ‘delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.’ From Romans 5 we learn that ‘since we have been justified by faith we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’

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God’s Promise Guaranteed ~ Romans 4:13-25 ~ 20 March 2016

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  • March 17, 2016

This week we will look at Romans 4:13-25 where Paul makes it clear that God’s promise to Abraham depended on faith and was never going to be fulfilled through the law. This same promise is guaranteed to all who share the faith of Abraham. Paul goes on to explain the essence of this faith of Abraham, which we will see is nothing less than ‘resurrection faith’ – faith in God who gives life to the dead. Just as Abraham’s faith was counted to him as righteousness, so too, it will be counted to those who share this ‘resurrection faith’, believing […]

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Counting on Christ ~ Romans 4:1-12 ~ 13 March 2016

  • By Ray Bell
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  • March 7, 2016

Grant will preach this week on Romans 4:1-12. He writes, “Israel’s two greatest heroes trusted God for the things most dear to their hearts—their justification. Neither of them had a leg to stand on when God pronounced them righteous. Neither do we. See if you can find the 8 times Paul uses the work ‘count’ or ‘reckon’ in our reading. God reckons on what Christ has done to save us. We need to count on the same as him and live in the blessing this brings into our lives.”

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He is Just and the Justifier ~ Romans 3:9-31 ~ 6 March 2015

  • By Ray Bell
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  • March 2, 2016

After many weeks of hearing Paul lump us all together, Jews and Gentiles alike, under sin and deserving the wrath of God, we finally reach the place in Romans where Paul wonderfully declares the gospel of salvation from this fearful judgment. He does this in the space of a few verses, declaring God to be both just and the one who justifies sinners by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood for us. This righteousness and redemption is available for all who believe. If the Jews had […]

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A Matter of the Heart ~ Romans 2:12-29 ~ 21 February 2016

  • By Ray Bell
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  • February 19, 2016

Having accused his fellow Jews of presuming upon God’s loving kindness early in chapter two, this week as we consider Romans 2:12-29 we will hear Paul further his charges against them. He now charges them with hypocrisy – as those who have the law, and teach it to others, but constantly break it themselves. It is not those who have, hear or rely on the law who will be justified, but those who keep it. This is only fulfilled when one’s heart has been circumcised, not by the letter of the law, but by the Spirit of God. Righteous is […]

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No Excuse and No Escape! ~ Ray Bell ~ 14 February 2016

  • By Ray Bell
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  • February 11, 2016

Last week we saw how Paul indicted the Gentile world for its sin and rejection of God’s glory. As a result, God’s wrath was being revealed from heaven against their ungodliness and unrighteousness. This week, in Romans 2:1-11, Paul charges his fellow Jews with the same indictment – they too are sinners and cannot escape God’s judgment. This would have caught his Jewish readers completely off guard. They had become complacent and were presuming God, in his forbearance and patience, would treat them with far more favour than any Gentile. Paul makes it clear to both the Jew and the […]

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The Power of God for Salvation ~ Romans 1:8-17 ~ 31 January 2015

  • By Ray Bell
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  • January 27, 2016

This week we look at verses 8-17 of Paul’s first chapter to the Romans where we hear of his longing to visit the believers in Rome. For both their encouragement and his own, he is eager to preach the gospel to them, in order that he might reap some harvest among them. Despite Rome being the ‘power-house’ of the day, Paul is not ashamed to declare that in the gospel lies the ultimate power, the very power of God for salvation, to which every other power must submit to, because in the gospel ‘the righteousness of God is revealed’. In […]

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