Who is He ?
Who is he?
Who is he? Who is he?
Who the people talk of- who is he?
Jesus of Palestine.
Lived among us, yes, but who is he?
I have heard that he lived for his Father
And for those he longed to have as brothers;
That he felt their longing and their sorrows;
Knew the way of freedom they could follow.
It was he who saw life’s meaning clearly;
Was not fooled or swayed by what he saw;
Did no wrong nor restlessly accused us;
Saw that we were hiding from our sin.
All the Father’s love was then released,
Waiting not ’till all men understood.
Jesus bore the wrongness of our blame;
Led us to his Father, free of shame.
He is here and given to us freely.
Let us see his patience with us all.
Let his grace defuse all our defiance;
Form in us a mind to do his will.
Who is he? Who is he?
Who the people talk of- who is he?
Jesus! Living Lord!
Here among us – this is he.
© 1979 Grant Thorpe
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