Abiding Food and Drink – 15 June 2014
This week, from John 6:22-59, we will hear how doing ‘the work of God’, coming to Jesus, looking to him and feeding on his flesh are all one and the same – belief in him. And all who do this will be ‘raised up in the last day’ and have eternal life. Yet, unless the Father draws us to Christ and grants to us the gift of faith, we can do none of these. Without this faith and revelation, we may see the sign and want more of it, but not see or seek the object it is pointing to – Christ himself.
In a world filled with frustration and a hunger for more of whatever we can get our hands on, Jesus offers eternal satisfaction. How many of us ‘labour for the food that perishes’ and refuse to feed on the bread of life which endures to eternal life? Jesus offers us this bread and gives life to the world in the sacrifice of his own flesh and blood. Whoever feeds on him abides in him, and he in them, and will live forever! Only in him will we find life and true fulfilment.
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