Christ Himself Is Our Peace ~ 10 May 2015
This week we commence a new series entitled The Things That Make For Peace.
Peace is a much sought after, but elusive, goal in the world. Whether it be on a personal level, among families, within a nation, or across the globe, we all want peace. However, no matter how much we fight for it, or how long we lay down our guns, we never seem to achieve the goal of peace… or if we do, it doesn’t last very long.
God sent his Son into this ‘peace’ seeking world at war within itself, and with God himself, declaring “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” Peace is not so elusive after all. It is given to us! In Christ! Paul tells us, “He himself is our peace.” Even in the frustrations and turmoil of life, at every level, we can have peace.
Join us in the hearing of the Word, and in prayer, praying that we might learn and know ‘the things that make for peace’, and that they might not be ‘hidden from our eyes’.
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