Every Need Supplied In Him – Philippians 4:10-23 – 2nd March 2014
As we conclude our series through Philippians, Paul once again rejoices in the partnership he has with the saints at Philippi. He is extremely grateful for their kind and generous gift to him, delivered personally by Epaphroditus, and considers such a gift ‘a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.’ However, he also reminds them that his own contentment and strength come not from material possessions or favourable circumstances but from God himself who supplies all he needs in Christ Jesus. He is confident that the Philippians also will have every need of theirs supplied by God ‘according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.’
Many of us in the Western world have so much, yet are we content? Sometimes it seems easier to learn to depend on God when we are in need than it is when we have plenty. Paul learned how to face both situations yet to be content and find his strength in Christ and not in his circumstances. By the grace of God, may we learn to do the same as we hear his Word and receive all we need from God ‘according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.’
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