Known By God – Formed By Christ – Galatians 4:8-20 – 19 October 2014
John Calvert continues our ‘True Gospel : True Freedom’ series through Galatains this week, looking at Galatians 4:8-20. He writes,
“Paul’s initial message of Christ and His salvation to the Galatians was without any Jewish ceremonial or legal requirements. The Galatians were pagan Gentiles and slavishly worshipped false gods. In knowing the one true God through Jesus Christ His only Son they had come into the delight of love and grace. But now, as in 1:6 & 7, they are captivated by the false words of legalism and returning to the worthless demands of religious imprisonment.
Paul pleads with them, fearful he has become their enemy by telling them the truth. He flings his written concern across the distance: “What has happened to all your joy?” Such is his concern, he writes as a mother in the pains of childbirth, longing that Christ is formed in them.”
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