15 Sep 2013 – Grace’s Grateful Slaves
Grant will conclude our current section of Luke’s gospel this Sunday with a message entitled, ‘Grace’s Grateful Slaves’ from Luke 19:11-27. He writes,
“The desire for things to be fixed quickly is always with us, and Jesus must temper this desire in his own disciples as they head for Jerusalem. We will always be working in a hostile environment, but the question for us is not, ‘How long before Christ will fix things?’ but, ‘Will we live in the grace of Christ’s reign and represent this to others?’ The danger we face is that we will join the world in thinking our Lord is mean! The good news is that progress can always be made in the kingdom while we live in the kindness of our King.”
As always, we are dependent upon the Spirit of God for the proclaiming and hearing of the Word and therefore pray accordingly.
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